Friday, May 21, 2010

i pac-man google

in celebration of pac-man's 30th anniversary, google has a special version of the game on their main page.
and that my friends is awesome.
even better, hitting insert coin twice enables two player mode with ms. pac-man.

this is up there with youtube's april fools text videos. (i'm still sad that's not a permanent option)

science fiction double feature

today was my first time hearing this.
and while i do love the movie version, this is amazing.
i had never heard of the usherette, it's a cute concept.
also i was quite surprised to find out it was quinn and not nell singing.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

machete is coming for arizona

happy cinco de mayo everyone!

Monday, May 3, 2010

a birthday present from iamamiwhoami

best birthday evar!